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Friday, November 9, 2018

1 Peter 5:4

Everyday is an important day in our life and we will receive the “Crown of Glory” from our lord.
Many crowns mentioned in the bible, one given to Aaron by his brother Moses and the others to Queen Vashti an Queen Esther. Who will get these blessings and how to receive it. Jesus will give us the crown of glory if we are leading a righteous life. David in Psalm 23.1 says “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want anything” Jesus shed his blood for you on the cross to receive forgiveness of your sins.. The shepherd guide you and your life will be fruitful (Isaiah 58:11).As you walk in his ways, he will go before you and will be behind you, protecting you. Lord will do everything for you all and you have to cling on to him. His love will be enough for you.
Have you committed your life before the god 100%? As you are 100% depend on god, you will receive blessing and the crown of glory. Learn to obey god, follow his instructions from the bible and give thanks to him every day for the food, health and everything you receive. This way you will be pleasing the god and he will surely give you the crown of glory.
Our heavenly father. Thank you lord for your wonderful love. Your love is supreme. Kindly protect me and guide me in a beautiful way. Cleanse me with the blood that shed you on the cross. Give me a new life; take away all the problems I am facing. Bless me with divine wisdom, lead me and guide me.

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